Bionic Marine Command Space FPS WIP
To make the first in a series of mobile and pc games based on the Space Dwarves Theme.
SPACE for Unity.
Easy Save2
Not yet released Tools:
UFPS mobile
UFPS multiplayer
Example projects I will use part of the example to base some of my systems off of:
Planned features:
Save/load (mysql)
Advancement system: (Skill gain/ladder/exp or point allocation)
Shop/inventory system (Oomph based.)
To start I thought I would use the simplest form of each of these features.
Save/load (mysql) will be handled by easy save 2.
Advancement system:
My first thought was to go with a skill gain % system with the player gaining in a % each use of a skill. However this would require listening to be active for changes while in combat. I reconsidered and thought I would use a point system that the player will choose witch vital to add points to at set levels of points earned. This way each level would just have to get the players health and weapons damage and change them according to the vitals bonuses.
UFPS Kit is developing a multiplayer kit now and I would like to see what they have before I start planning this out.
Shop/inventory system:
I had planned on an advanced system but I think I will use the existing UFPS Kit’s system with a save/load feature. The different kinds of weapons and the skill system will be enough for this kit at the start.
Note: Since I do have all the models I need to also make the mech version and FPS versions I might just swap out the models and make all three versions with a menu to play any of the three. But first I would like to start with the space version and have that working well.

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